Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Tapeworm That Couldn't

There once was a tapeworm named Emilio. He was much like any other tapeworm. He lived in the intestinal tract of a Vietnamese pig and ate what the pig ate. His proglottids would detach, be released through the pig's bowels, and eventually bring life to new tapeworms. He was certainly a father to thousands by now. Anyway, Emilio really wished, deep down, that he could be a Broadway Dancer. He practiced day after day. He learned the Charleston, and the Jitterbug, and even the Macarena. But one day, he was faced with the reality that he was only a parasite, and he would never get out of the bowels of the pig alive. So, he drank until he could no longer stay attached to the pig with his mighty scolex. He then drew a picture of a talking hamburger and decided to buy a timeshare in Pensacola.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

My Xuqa thoughts

As you've probably noticed, Xuqa 1.3 has gone live. They have AJAX all over the site now. No more refreshing the ENTIRE page just to clear someones birthday! Can I get a hell's yeah?

They also added a new polling feature. While it's VERY popular right now, it doesn't show the total number of votes and/or how many people voted for each option. I think that should be added ASAP.

Oh, and Adam? Bitch-Slap? Don't think that's gunna happen. LOL.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

new xuqa

so I like the whole new additions to XuQa, but I was really looking forward to that 'bitch slap' option instead of the tickle button.
but I like the new additions to the blogs, and the fact that they changed the name back to blogs

Friday, February 17, 2006


Okay, yeah, I'm totally drunk right now (well, maybe not totally because I take it too slow, but I'm certainly not sober), and I'm not feeling real great: No people pick up their phones for my random drunk dials, some guy told me he wanted to kick my ass (which was pretty funny too because I really didn't mean anything I said), and the girl I like about half-way ripped my heart out (I'm just being overdramatic; we still need to talk more actually). Yup, life kind of sucks, and I have class tomorrow in about 6 and a half hours. Boo.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

king and queen

so someone started a gossip blog today titled [OFFICIAL] KING AND QUEEN OF XUQA
they wanted people to make nominations and then this person would post their decision 'asap'
so I tried to delete it before anyone even commented in it, but it was unsuccessful
so as you could have guessed, it turned into one huge argument
I just left a few minutes ago, just cuz I was fed up and disgusted with it
the judge never revealed himself
he just remained anonymous, so anyone could really have taken over for him
but there were these two people that were determined to get the title, but they were nobodies.
they were just two random people who just knew each other
they came in and nominated each other, and then started bitching when people didnt like their ideas, but even the judge said that they didnt deserve the crown
it just made me mad
so I wish I could go and delete it
damn I hate XuQa sometimes

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


So I was just bothered by the fact that I have invited six people to join in on this blog and only three of us have joined, and then there are only two of us that actually type anything.
It is kinda annoying when you go out of your way to do something useful for someone else, and then they dont even acknowledge it.
Oh well... life goes on
so if there is any XuQalebrity that would like to join in on the discussion here, please drop me a scrap on XuQa.
My Profile
Hope to hear from some of you soon.

My Birthday

Today is my birthday, and I expect lots of scraps! That is all for now.

Monday, February 06, 2006

My Wikipedia action

Last night a blog post was made on Xuqa, alerting the community to the Wikipedia entry about Xuqa. I originally started that article a few months back in order to gain more exposure for the site. It worked as far as I can tell, but not too many people made edits to the page before last night.

As soon as the post was made on Xuqa, anonymous Wikipedia users started FLOODING into the entry, and started updating and expanding everything. At first it was all great. Someone wrote about the unique features Xuqa offers, and others started a section about Xuqalebrities and the various Scandles.

But soon after, vandalism started happening to the entry. People were posting things like:

- Gorman=God
- They are very popular and are in dire need of attention. their mommas didnt love them enough, so they suck each others little cocks for fun

You know, fun stuff like that. Long story short, the entire page had to be Semi-Protected in order to stop anonymous and newly registered users from making edits to the page. And yes, I requested it.

Oh, but did I mention the "new user" tag only lasts for 4 days? Looks like we could have another riot on our hands very soon...


I created this one for all XuQalebrities to use.
Lets use it and make it interesting