I feel so mother fucking great! (Sarcasm running amuck if you can't tell; I'll elaborate if you wish, otherwise, you'll just know I feel like a royal piece of shit.)
I love finding my stupid, angry, drunken blog posts the next morning. I never seem to mind complaining if I'm drunk, but I feel bad about doing it while sober. Hmm.
Okay, here's the story then (it's in-depth, and I'm long-winded; so, forgive me for making you read so much): The night of my angry drunken post, a friend of mine and I went to a party. This friend happens to be a girl that I liked as more than a friend, and she has been aware of this for two months. We just haven't done anything more than random making out yet. Anyway, it was a pretty decent party. It was a good mix of people that I was friends with and people that I didn't know, but were at least interesting enough to keep my drunken interest. So, when I'm drunk, I'm a very affectionate person. I'm hugging all my friends, mostly female, but I don't mind hugging males and will. I also like to be an asshole because I know that people don't get it, and I love confusing people/pissing people off when I'm drunk. I also will do just about anything anyone tells me unless it is a blatantly bad idea, and I will say whatever pops into my head. It makes me an interesting character when drinking, to say the least. So, anyway, I'm going to get to the drama portion. Late in the evening, I was dancing with this girl that I had met a couple times and seems pretty cool, along with being pretty attractive. As I'm dancing, the girl I went to the party with (remaining nameless out of respect for her) winds up gone. I call her and apparently she went "swimming" with some guy she met at the party, which means they were swimming and then some sort of naked fun time occurred afterward. I'm even more sure of this by the fact that she was tight-lipped about what went on. So, whatever, she's not my girlfriend, we're not dating. She can do whatever. I'm not happy about that, but I can get over it. But after no telling how much time had passed, I call her and I tell her I'm ready to leave (I'm her ride). She says that she'll be back in a few minutes. About 45 minutes to an hour and two or three unanswered calls later, it's roughly 5:30 AM, I assume she's not coming back which pisses me off that she'd leave me without calling, and I leave her behind, which I didn't want to do, but I really had no choice, especially since I had to meet my parents at 11 AM or so the next morning. I come home, write my angry post, and then go to sleep. The next day, she doesn't understand why I'm so pissed, which pisses me off as much as her leaving without telling me, and then making me sit around on her and worry about her, as I would have done with any of my friends, not just because I happened to have a crush on her. But somehow, she turns it around on me. She gets pissed that I was "clingy" with calling her so much, even though it was genuinely out of worry, and not trying to control her or anything. She also got pissed because I told a girl that she hates about some of the sexual stuff we had done together. This was bad on my part, and I apologized, but, like I said, I will say just about anything that pops in my head when I'm drunk. She also accused me of doing "god-knows-what" with girls at the party (which didn't happen because I respect her too much to do that in front of her, and after she left I was too worried to even try) and "capitalizing" on the fact that she wasn't my girlfriend (which it's obvious she capitalized way more than I did). Anyway, we talked and worked it out, but something good came out of it: I realized that I didn't even want to date someone who would treat me with so little respect as to leave me for some other guy and not even give me the courtesy of a call to say she's okay and I can leave without her. So, now, we're going to stay friends, and I'm hoping to find some other girls that spark my interest.
Shannon, you know exactly who this was about. Everyone else, I'm not going to namedrop because whom it is is insignificat.
Deb, I'm betting this is about exactly who you think it's about, because we have discussed this person before, and if memory serves, we've only discussed my attraction/feelings/whatever for one particular girl.
I love finding my stupid, angry, drunken blog posts the next morning. I never seem to mind complaining if I'm drunk, but I feel bad about doing it while sober. Hmm.
Story time!
Okay, here's the story then (it's in-depth, and I'm long-winded; so, forgive me for making you read so much): The night of my angry drunken post, a friend of mine and I went to a party. This friend happens to be a girl that I liked as more than a friend, and she has been aware of this for two months. We just haven't done anything more than random making out yet. Anyway, it was a pretty decent party. It was a good mix of people that I was friends with and people that I didn't know, but were at least interesting enough to keep my drunken interest. So, when I'm drunk, I'm a very affectionate person. I'm hugging all my friends, mostly female, but I don't mind hugging males and will. I also like to be an asshole because I know that people don't get it, and I love confusing people/pissing people off when I'm drunk. I also will do just about anything anyone tells me unless it is a blatantly bad idea, and I will say whatever pops into my head. It makes me an interesting character when drinking, to say the least. So, anyway, I'm going to get to the drama portion. Late in the evening, I was dancing with this girl that I had met a couple times and seems pretty cool, along with being pretty attractive. As I'm dancing, the girl I went to the party with (remaining nameless out of respect for her) winds up gone. I call her and apparently she went "swimming" with some guy she met at the party, which means they were swimming and then some sort of naked fun time occurred afterward. I'm even more sure of this by the fact that she was tight-lipped about what went on. So, whatever, she's not my girlfriend, we're not dating. She can do whatever. I'm not happy about that, but I can get over it. But after no telling how much time had passed, I call her and I tell her I'm ready to leave (I'm her ride). She says that she'll be back in a few minutes. About 45 minutes to an hour and two or three unanswered calls later, it's roughly 5:30 AM, I assume she's not coming back which pisses me off that she'd leave me without calling, and I leave her behind, which I didn't want to do, but I really had no choice, especially since I had to meet my parents at 11 AM or so the next morning. I come home, write my angry post, and then go to sleep. The next day, she doesn't understand why I'm so pissed, which pisses me off as much as her leaving without telling me, and then making me sit around on her and worry about her, as I would have done with any of my friends, not just because I happened to have a crush on her. But somehow, she turns it around on me. She gets pissed that I was "clingy" with calling her so much, even though it was genuinely out of worry, and not trying to control her or anything. She also got pissed because I told a girl that she hates about some of the sexual stuff we had done together. This was bad on my part, and I apologized, but, like I said, I will say just about anything that pops in my head when I'm drunk. She also accused me of doing "god-knows-what" with girls at the party (which didn't happen because I respect her too much to do that in front of her, and after she left I was too worried to even try) and "capitalizing" on the fact that she wasn't my girlfriend (which it's obvious she capitalized way more than I did). Anyway, we talked and worked it out, but something good came out of it: I realized that I didn't even want to date someone who would treat me with so little respect as to leave me for some other guy and not even give me the courtesy of a call to say she's okay and I can leave without her. So, now, we're going to stay friends, and I'm hoping to find some other girls that spark my interest.
Shannon, you know exactly who this was about. Everyone else, I'm not going to namedrop because whom it is is insignificat.
Goddamn it! Got it that time.
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Deb, I'm betting this is about exactly who you think it's about, because we have discussed this person before, and if memory serves, we've only discussed my attraction/feelings/whatever for one particular girl.
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